Explore any city with our fun and interactive scavenger hunts. We offer exclusive deals on our scavenger hunt tickets.
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About Wacky Walks
Wacky Walks is a royalty themed app based scavenger hunt service. It is similar to a board game, in which the power, or control, of the game shifts from one player to another and instead of a board, you'll be exploring the streets of your city with your smartphone to complete the game.
Wacky Walks will start out by designating who will be the first King or Queen. The Royal Highness will then direct the other players to locate items and participate in challenges throughout the kingdom (your city). You'll use our scavenger hunt app to prove you've found correct items and completed the challenges correctly.
The goal of this photo scavenger hunt service is to find all the items and complete the challenges, & to have fun with family and friends in your city! Wacky Walks is a perfect for a team building activity, family scavenger hunt, bachelorette scavenger hunt, birthday scavenger hunt, or more!
Wacky Walks is done completely on foot and usually takes about two hours to complete. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone. You’ll have a remote guide that will be available in case you get stuck.

Five Versions of Wacky Walks to Choose From
Choose which version of Wacky Walks city scavenger hunts you'd like to play before purchasing your tickets.